Why Join SCI?
About Safari Club International, and local SCI chapters:
Safari Club International is, as the name implies, an international organization. At a more local level, Safari Club International's more than 170 chapters raise money to implement the mission of SCI right in their own backyards.
In order to be a Minnesota chapter SCI member, you must also be a Safari Club International member. You can simultaneously join Minnesota chapter SCI, and Safari Club International by clicking the "Join" button above.
Why Become a Safari Club International Member:
Safari Club International welcomes new members to help in the fight to protect hunting and to conserve wildlife around the world. By joining Safari Club International, you support hunting, wildlife conservation, and habitat conservation. As a Safari Club International member, you are brought together with other like-minded hunters and you receive an exclusive array of benefits. These benefits include discounts on products and services, as well as insider news and other information that is not available anywhere else.
Benefits provided by your Safari Club International Membership:
Exclusive SCI Member rewards program enrollment
Hunter Information Service and Hotline
6 bi-monthly issues of SCI's award winning SAFARI Magazine
12 monthly issues of SAFARI TIMES Newspaper
Annual World Hunting Awards publication
Free Record Book Entry (1 for 1-year membership, 3 for 3-yr membership) **
** One time offer per member per lifetime
In addition, by joining a Safari Club International Chapter (specifically: Minnesota chapter of SCI):
Minnesota Chapter SCI members receive the quarterly Minnesota Adventuring magazine, invitation to attend chapter events, chapter annual meeting, the Minnesota SCI World Hunting Expo, and other social events.
You connect to a local network of like-minded individuals who share the common goal of protecting the freedom to hunt and promoting wildlife conservation locally and worldwide.
You work to make a difference by getting involved in education, conservation and humanitarian projects.
You give back to your community because funds raised by your chapter stay at the local level.
You strengthen SCI projects and legislation while also protecting our hunting heritage.
Why should I consider a membership in Safari Club International?
Hunters know that the right and freedom to hunt is under attack, and you want to protect that freedom. SCI is one of the most powerful pro-hunting and pro-conservation organizations in the world. SCI works tirelessly on behalf of hunters. Members stay involved with state legislative and regulatory issues; with federal plans that affect management, conservation and hunting access on public lands; as well as with national legislative issues. There is strength in numbers. SCI could not make such significant changes without supporters such as you – united in the same fight.
There is an array of benefits that you will receive as a member of Safari Club International, including the bi-monthly, full-color SAFARI Magazine. Members also are invited to attend the annual SCI Convention — The Ultimate Hunter's Market™. Associated sponsors offer additional benefits and discounts on everything from travel insurance to hunting gear.
How does becoming a member of an international organization help support my local community?
Dedicated to the overall mission of the organization, SCI's more than 170 chapters raise money to implement the mission of SCI right in their own backyards. The majority of all funds raised by a Chapter are used in ways that the Chapter members choose. In addition, Chapter members are active in their communities - organizing and working on humanitarian, conservation and educational efforts, and inviting others in their community to join in these efforts.
Safari Club International (SCI) is the leading defender of the freedom to hunt and supporter of wildlife conservation worldwide. SCI is unique in the scope of our ability to defend and advance our freedom to hunt, mobilizing more than 170 chapters and affiliate network representing 7.2 million hunters around the world.
Safari Club International is also the only hunting rights organization with an international advocacy team based in Washington, DC, and an all-species focus.
In the USA, SCI's full time staff of professional advocates speak for hunters at federal and state levels on important issues. Safari Club International also protects the freedom to hunt and promotes sustainable use wildlife conservation worldwide. Through proactive advocacy, SCI advances the interests of the hunting community. SCI advocacy efforts are organized around five goals:
Protect and improve hunting access and education.
Promote science-based wildlife management.
Stop government overreach of wildlife management.
Collaborate with global communities, wildlife authorities and other stakeholders pursuing wildlife stewardship.
Champion the hunters' lifestyle.